by Urs Seiler I May 16, 2020
The situation with the virus causes complete uncertainty, particularly for the industry I’m in: the trade fair business. Let’s put up a hypothesis.
What if?
What if our personal and business life will not be what it used to be, at least for the next one or two years? I’m asking this questions because I’m in a industry that panics in the face of the current situation and ignores that fact that at this very moment nobody knows how we’re all going to carry on. Personally this kind of hoping, that the situation will just go away, would frighten me. I’d rather do something about it. If you share this attitude – read on.
Transforming our thinking
Harv T. Eker says in his book-bestseller «Secrects of the Millionaire Mind» that your wealth can only grow to the extent that you do. I’m all for wealth, my star sign is that of a Taurean, my late wife, bless her soul, used to say «money is king with you» and how true!
What Harv T. Eker really does for me: That our success can only grow to the extent we personally do. So this is why I recommend we all start with a bit of re-framing. Re-framing our mind and therefore transforming our thinking. After all, if you can’t change your thinking, you can’t change anything at all!
Digital Transformation
Let’s get started with a re-framing exercise. Bet I can read your mind? Let’s re-frame the following thoughts:
1) I’m in an industry which will not be dramatically changed by digital transformation.
2) My industry is and will remain a classical, analogue business.
3) I’m not capable of digitally transform my business.
4) I don’t have the money to transform my business.
5) I have too much on my plate right now.
And now let’s re-frame this.
1) If I set up digital transformation, my business will be a leading business for the forseeable future.
2) Why not run a combined digital and analogue business?
3) Every task starts with a first little step. I find help to transform my business. A consultancy. Or my millennial children. Or I speak to my family.
4) Digital Transformation starts in my mind. Most services like building this webpage, using online services and so on are available for free on the internet.
5) I set my agenda for a time when this tasks suits better.
PS: As regards digital transformation: I’m no computer nerd. On the contrary. But I have started the process building this mind training business. I shall follow the path and add digitally transformed services all along. Do I need to underline that my believe is that in the future only digitally transformed businesses will thrive?
Our workshops cover four areas: management, sport, living healthily, education. We teach topics like change management, teambuilding, mental and physical sports training, living healthily, how to learn more effectively.
Our first YCB[1]-Onlineworkshop on «How To Train My Mind» takes place at Facebook on Friday 22 May from 11 – 11.20 am GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
[1] You Can Be Anything You Want To Be